Checklist for Creating a Motivated Team

Making sure your employees are motivated and engaged in their work is one of the most important ways to ensure your business stays successful. A motivated workforce is a happy workforce, and a happy workforce will help your business grow. In this post, we'll share a checklist you can use of best practices on how to create a motivated team.

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Are you giving them work that matters?

Most employees these days want to feel that their work truly matters and that they are making a difference. To keep your employees motivated, remind them their work is essential, and illustrate exactly how what they're doing positively impacts the organization. In the manufacturing sector, telling employees that their focus on quality in the manufacturing process is directly attributable to the company's success. Continue reinforcing to your employees they are valued and their work matters to keep up the level of motivation at your company.

Have you hired motivated individuals?

Motivating employees starts with the very first decision you make as an employer - the hiring decision! Motivation is contagious — so don't hire people who don't suit your company culture and don't care about their work. In fact, a study performed by Leadership IQ showed that 93% of employees felt that working with a low performer decreased their productivity. Don't make the mistake of hiring unproductive workers from the get-go!

Are you continually giving feedback?

Recognizing a job well done can do wonders for motivating your team. Just as you remind your employees of how important their work is, also notice when they've done a great job on a project, or have been consistently performing well. This will ensure team morale stays high and employees stay motivated.

Have you set goals?

Creating goals for your team to hit (or even exceed!) keeps them motivated and driven to do a great job in their position. If employees don't know what they're working toward, they're less likely to go the extra mile when your business needs it the most. Goals can be monetary, but don't need to be: They can also be an extra day off for an employee that's done well or even a team outing for overall excellent performance.

Are you showing that you have confidence in your team?

Are you making sure to let your team know you trust them? Giving employees a level of freedom — instead of micromanaging — will allow them to honestly feel they are a part of the team. Not only that, trusting them to perform well will keep them motivated to figure out problems on their own, and deliver exceptional work to you. Make sure you show your team you have confidence in their ability to get the job done. Figuring out how to motivate your employees doesn't have to be hard — use our checklist to ensure your workforce stays motivated so that your business stays successful.

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